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Eternal Hope  - Excerpts

Chapter 1

   The gracious love of the Father’s voice rang through the throng, “Welcome, my beloved, to the union of Heaven and Earth. Today, everything is made new. There is no pollution in the Earth anymore; I have cleansed the air, land, and the water. This magnificent city is for your fellowship, with us and with each other. All of the universe is yours, to explore, enjoy, have fun in, and live in. There is no longer any separation, even between Heaven and Earth; they are one. Gone are the limitations of science and physics from long ago. You are no longer bound by any properties that once limited humanity, such as gravity and oxygen.


Chapter 2

    They were blessed with deep grins on the sweet faces of their new friends. He introduced himself, then his mother. “I am Peter and my mother is Isabella, but she has been known as Sojourner Truth.” He then turned to his mother and asked if she would like to share her story, “Mama, you have lived your whole life in grace; I know everyone would like to hear your perspective.”
   Around the entire room, were the affirmations, “Yes, we would love to hear your story,” “Please share with us,” “Absolutely, we want to hear your story.”
With grace and great humility, she assented. In a tender, loving voice she embarked upon her life story, “Even though I was later known as Sojourner Truth, I was given the name Isabella Baumfree and was born in 1797. My parents were slaves in Ulster County, New York. Living in the midst of daily cruelty and being forced to work, almost from the moment I learned to walk, was horribly difficult.
    “When I was about nine years old, I was sold at a slave auction for $100., along with a flock of sheep. I was forced to go with my new owner and truly hated it, for he beat me often. It hurt so bad to be away from my parents. I was sold two more times, by the time I was thirteen, and finally ended up in West Park, New York, slave to yet another master..."


Chapter 3

    Sarah noticed the music begin to build, from a background, flowing melody, to a manifestly fervent symphony. The audience was captivated, for no one could see the orchestra; yet they heard and felt abject joy displayed musically. When the drama began, all thought of where the orchestra fled Sarah’s mind; she felt no less wonder than the first time she had attended a live theater presentation. Pearl squeezed her hand, obviously as excited as Sarah.
Angels filled the amphitheater, not only on the stage, but above it and all around the entire gallery. They flew in flowing formations of beauty, with their shimmering wings reverberating in such a way that it added to the orchestral sounds of glory. Sarah sat back and thought, “Oh my, this is so glorious. I feel like I can hardly take it in.”
The Spirit whispered in her ear, tender in His loving care of her, “I will enable you to receive all of the joy we have prepared for you today. Relax and enjoy!”
She responded with a sweet, “Thank you!” and leaned her head back, taking in the sights, sounds, and she realized, even smells!


Chapter 4

     Sarah felt enfolded in the very best of what God had prepared for family to be. In this sumptuously decorated room, which was oblong in shape – a sprawling eighty feet long and thirty feet wide (at its widest point), she was surrounded by the family she loved so dearly. Not only were Paul and their kids there (funny how even though age no longer had any time-frame, she still perceived her adult children as kids!), but her parents, siblings, and their children and grandchildren as well. To top off the blessing, the two aunts who introduced Sarah to the love of Jesus were there too! For quite a while, precious hugs, kisses, and laughter filled the room. Everyone relaxed in luxurious chairs bedecked in floral velvet, munching delightedly of the splendid food and reminiscing about the joy of family.


Chapter 5

    Leroy could hardly contain his joy; he felt like a kid in a candy store! He loved walking with Jesus and could only ponder that the Creator of all this beauty is the One who was walking beside him, wanting to spend time with him. He had never known such love, though he remembered longing for it with all his heart, when he was a youngster. And now it was his; he wanted to dance a jig and whip some cartwheels – all at the same time.
Jesus knew the excitement of his heart and it blessed Him. He decided to make this hike even something more for Leroy, to bless him in a way he could not expect or imagine. He prepared ahead (for His creative power had no limitations) a very special mountain vista, just for Leroy. They began to climb even steeper hills, with energized muscles and healthy lungs breathing in the deep, clear air of a renewed Earth.




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