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Eternal Hope

Eternal Hope is the last of the Hope series books and is the culmination of this journey of exploring what it will be like to live in the Presence of God, The Father, Son, and Spirit. It is profound in implications; even contemplating what it will be like has been an awakening in my soul to the Spiritual Realm we are promised in Scripture. ("And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus."  Ephesians 2:6)


Eternal Hope begins with the union of Heaven and Earth, opening humanity to life eternal and all that may be experienced with each other and with our Triune God. Every experience literally bursts with the fullness of life with the Creator of the Universe. Experience with Sarah the joys that may be a mere taste of what we will actually experience. May these books bring heightened anticipation to all who read them!




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In writing the Hope Series books, Resurrection Hope, Millennial Hope, and Eternal Hope, I developed a new form of creative writing. I did not decide upon the plot, characters, and setting of the novel, as one would normally begin such an endeavor. Instead, I began by asking God what He wanted me to write. Often, it would begin with just one word and I would ask, "Ok, what about this word?" I would then hear a sentence, then more would come, and before I knew it, I would be typing swiftly. As soon as I heard the words, they would fly onto the computer. After perhaps two hours, I would sit back and say, "Wow!" I was thoroughly blessed each time. Later, I would go back and edit for grammar and clarity. This has been a transformational season in my life; what a joy it is to write with the Spirit of God inspiring the words!

ISBN 13:  9798441079778  


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